Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Female lawyer throws empty bottle at citizen

Lawyers thrash man in LHC for indecent language

LAHORE: A group of lawyers manhandled a citizen, Iftikhar Hussain, on the premises of the Lahore High Court (LHC), a private TV channel reported on Tuesday. According to the channel, a female lawyer identified as Najma threw a bottle at Iftikhar from the ladies’ bar room while he was walking in the corridor. The bottle fell in his feet. Separately, it was reported that the man used indecent language when the bottle hit him. When Iftikhar protested, Najma and her colleagues reached the spot and thrashed the citizen, who was in court for a case, the channel reported. The channel reported that human rights activist and lawyer Asma Jahangir and other senior lawyers tried to stop the angry lawyers, but they did not stop and continued beating Iftikhar. The channel quoted Iftikhar as saying he had only told the lawyer that she should have thrown the bottle carefully. daily times monitor/staff report

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